Batman: The Animated Series produced by Warner Brothers.
Plot: Gothem city's famous caped crusader seeks to bring justice to the villains seeking to destroy it. Eventually assisted by Robin, Batgirl, and more than a few unexpected allies, Batman manages to topple foes, including the Joker, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, and Penguin.
Genre: Animation, Batman
Reading Level: The series was not rated, but most of the episodes include violence and a few include smoking or drinking references. However, gore and cursing were nonexistant. Still, many of the storylines were extremely intense. I suppose it would rank around a TV-G.
Similar Titles: The Batman-Superman Adventures, Batman Beyond
Personal Thoughts: My parents would not allow me to watch this when I was younger, primarily due to the violence present in the show. Also, some of the plots, such as the ones involving Mr. Freeze or Clayface, were very dark, discussing concepts like vengeance, loss, death, and futility.
Nevertheless, the series remains highly influential. This version of batman, unlike prior animations, was highly stylistic. Earlier cartoons followed the realistic style of the comics, but the series boasted of an angular, art-deco style that added to the starkness and seriousness of the series, while still allowing for humorous moments. The stories were also more intense without becoming preachy, and lead to the creation of animation with mature themes in the United States. Also, the development of formerly humorous characters, such as Mr. Freeze. Additionally, the series itself introduced several characters, like Harley Quinn, Baby Doll, and Renee Montoya, eventually became accepted into cannon Batman lore. While the series may not be for everyone, it definitely affected the perception and development of superhero animation.
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