Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Golden Slipper: A Vietnamese Legend

Lum, Darrell. The Golden Slipper: A Vietnamese Legend. Mahwah, N.J. : Troll Associates, 1994.

Plot: A Cinderella-esque story from Vietnam. This retelling focuses on Tam, a hardworking, first daughter of a rice farmer. While she is kind and generous, her stepmother treats her cruely, favoring her own daughter, Cam. While Cam enjoys treats, cloths, and play, Tam must take care of the house and fields. Despite her misfortune, change comes through her kindness and a remarkable brocade shoe...

Genre: Fairy Tales, Picture Books

Reading Level: Ages 9-12, but younger readers may enjoy it as well.

Similar Titles: The Sea King, Children of the Dragon: Selected Tales from Vietnam 

Personal Thoughts: The Cinderella story is perhaps one of the most universal fairy tales in the world. Nearly every culture offers some variation of a neglected but kind daughter given the respect and blessings she deserves. This retelling captures the goodness of the protagonist through her actions and the actions of her relatives. The pictures assist the story, offering pretty illustrations focusing on the royal colors of gold and yellow in an unusual, mosaic fashion. As such, the capture the attention of the readers, even if they do not have experience with Vietnamese culture. Overall, this offers the comfort of a familiar concept as a lens into an unfamiliar culture. As such, it can benefit young readers.

Side Note: Why is Jerome holding a dollar? Simple. I wanted to get your attention.

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