Thursday, October 13, 2011

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Creature from the Black Lagoon produced by Universal Studios.

Plot: A trio of biologists/paleontologists/ichthyologists follow attempt to aid colleague after he discovers a bizarre fossil. The fossil, displaying a strange combination of fish and human-like qualities, leads them to a body of water deep in South America. Despite the fears of the locals, the adventurers press on, eventually diving deep into the domain of the gill-man. The monster, considered an example of parallel evolution, slays several of the crewmen, but shows an interest in the female member of the scientists. Eventually, attempts to capture the gill-man succeed. Keeping the gill-man captive, however, proves unsuccessful. Unwilling to give up his prize and eager for revenge, the monster traps the crew. Using all of the team's resources, wit, and courage may provide the only chance for escape.

Genre: Horror, Campy Movies

Reading Level: Rated G, but exercise caution with younger viewers.

Similar Titles: Frankenstien, Dracula, Phantom of the Opera

Personal Thoughts: One of the many influential horror movies from Universal Studios' golden age. Considered novel for its elaborate creature costume, underwater scenes, and sympathetic monster, the film was remarkable for its time. The original film was shot in 3-D, although most modern copies are in the more conventional 2-D format. Eventually, he titular monster provided the inspiration for numerous television shows, video games, and comics. Creature from the Black Lagoon also spawned two sequels: Revenge of the Creature (which is cornier than its predecessor, but still enjoyable) and The Creature Walks Among Us (a very poor film; it was eventually given a parody treatment via Mystery Science Theater 3000). 

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