Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wildlife Specials: Crocodiles: Smilling Predators

Wildlife Specials: Crocodiles: Smiling Predators presented by the BBC.

Plot: Crocodiles intimidate people worldwide. They are stealthy, ancient predators with fiercely effective hunting techniques. Yet, despite their primordial appearance, they often display complex behavior. To attract mates, they cry out with the range and variety of songbirds. Mothers show elaborate attention and care to their young ones. Even hunting can bring out unexpected actions. For example, crocodiles will collaborate in large groups to attack large, dangerous prey.  While crocodiles existed in the time dinosaurs and other ancient reptiles, their lifestyles are anything but primitive.

Genre: Documentary, Animals

Reading Level: Not rated, but aimed at a family audience.

Similar Titles: Polar Bear: Arctic Warrior, Eagle: Master of the Skies

Personal Thoughts: While the film is a bit dated (it was created in 1997) and does not offer the awe-inspiring cinematography of more recent documentaries, it still offers solid and captivating information about crocodiles' unexpected qualities.

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