Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Gravyard Book, by Niel Gaiman

Gaiman, Niel. The Graveyard Book. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2008.

Plot: When a two-year-old unwittingly escapes his family's murder by crawling into a graveyard, he becomes adopted by a couple, the Owens', who never had children during their lifetimes. The boy, named "Nobody" by his ghostly adopted parents (since he looks like nobody but himself) lives and learns in the graveyard. Tutored by long-deceased professors, guarded by the nocturnal Silas, befriended by the strange Liza Hempstock, and taught by the gray-haired Miss Lupescu, Nobody learns how to survive in the world of the graveyard and eventually confront his family's killer.

Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Fiction

Reading Level: Aimed at teens, but satisfying for adults.

Similar Titles: The Jungle Book, Coraline

Other Information: Personally, I find this book fascinating. It manages to be macabre without being gory, sentimental without being corny, fictional but believable. As a winner of the John Newbery Metal for Children's Literature, it should be included on public libraries' collections. Gaiman is also apparently working on a screenplay, although movie details are vague.

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