Friday, April 22, 2011

Ask A Ninja

Ask A Ninja

Plot: Everyone knows about ninjas...or do they? The "Ask A Ninja" Ninja attempts to reveal the power, awesomeness, and pop culture savvy of ninjas every week through his vblogs/podcasts/videos. Users are invited to ask the ninja questions about ninjas, family, social situations, politics, and more to get direct answers from the man in the black mask. Expect hyberboles, obscure references, and mythical mash-ups on a weekly basis. Also, the ninja has varied his usual blog, adding interviews, "The Stare" (a review of the week's news and popular YouTube videos), and "Ninja Movie Show" (the ninja's methodical links between the week's movies, both on screen and in video).

Genre: Website, Ninjas, Humor

Reading Level: Usually pretty clean, but occasionally some language, so sensitive viewers may need caution.

Similar Titles: I usually do not follow podcasts, so I am not sure. Leave a comment if you know of a good one.

Personal Thoughts: This is the website that made ninjas wonderful for me. I just love how over-the-top the ninja is.

Side note: I tried a mirror shot for this picture. I'm not sure if I'll try again.

Edit: The photo just did not work. So I replaced it with a screenshot from Wiki Commons.

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