Saturday, July 2, 2011

National Treasure

National Treasure produced by Walt Disney Studios.

Plot: For generations, the Gates family has sought a marvelous treasure with only one clue - the secret lies with Charlotte - given to their ancestor. While none ever succeeded, Benjamin Gates finally finds a benefactor willing to back his search. He finds the Charlotte and another clue. Apparently, the next bit of information about the treasure rests on the back of the Declaration of Independence. After a betrayal and escape, Benjamin and a nerdy cohort must unit forces with a document worker to save the Declaration, stop the traitor, and find the evasive treasure.

Genre: Historical Fiction, Adventure, Movies

Reading Level: Rated PG

Similar Titles: Night at the Museum, Indiana Jones

Personal Thoughts: Many critics panned the movie for being unrealistic. At the risk of sounding snarky, why did they look for realism in an adventure film? The movie plays on the current popularity of conspiracy theories while embracing national history in a larger than life manner. As such, the movie performs very well, creating what a relative of mine calls "a clean Indiana Jones" suitable for the Forth of July.

A sequel was produced in 2007. While critics hated it, it was a top-grossing film for the year.

Apparently, another film in the series is planned, but its stage of production is not known.

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