Thursday, October 27, 2011


Coraline produced by Universal Studios.

Plot: A claymation rendition of Neil Gaimen's famous novetta. Coraline Jones unhappily moves to a new house with her work-driven parents. While she initially dismisses the Pink Palace as helplessly boring, a bricked door catches her attention. Through her dreams, she discovers another world on the other side of the barricaded door, complete with better neighbors, better gardens, and better, button-eyed occupants. When she suspects the new location is not all it seems, her "Other Mother" reveals a threatening side. After receiving further warnings from the ghosts of the Other Mother's victims, Coraline must face her fears and unravel the web of the beldam.

Genre: Animation, Horror

Reading Level: Rated PG

Similar Titles: Nightmare Before Christmas, 9, Corpse Bride

Personal Thoughts: Much like the original novel, the movie, while intended for children, can please adults. Also like the original, the movie has moments of intense creepiness that are not suited for every audience. Unlike the original, some of the story elements have changed drastically. The location is no longer England, but Washington. Coraline shares her feelings with Wybie, a know-it-all neighbor, instead of monologuing. Also, the Other Mother's world enjoys Coraline at least four times, while the heroine only visits twice in the novel. Despite the changes, fans of the book will likely enjoy the movie.

Side Note: Beware the hand.

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