Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Adventures of Captain Underpants: An Epic Novel

Pilkey, Dav. The Adventures of Captain Underpants: An Epic Novel. New York : Blue Sky Press, 1997.

Plot: George and Herold's pranks finally get the better of them when Mr. Krump, the meanest school principle ever, catches them on tape. Threatened with exposure, the boys are forced to obey Mr. Krump's every whim. Frustrated by their obligatory obedience, the boys decide to hypnotise their blackmailer into submission. However, their plan goes terribly awry when they trick him into believing he is their self-made superhero, Captain Underpants. Determined to save the city, the man leaps into action with the two boys desperately attempting to stop him. Yet, no hero can pause when the evil Dr. Diaper plans to run amok.

Genre: Humor

Reading Level: Grades 4-8

Similar Stories: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Personal Thoughts: Much like Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Pilkey's series relies both on text and on illustrations to relay the story. Also, the protagonists of both series are, by most standards, not good influences. Unlike the wimpy kid, the Captain's series frequently finds itself on the banned bookshelf due to the crass subject matter (undergarments) and rebellion against authority figures. While I understand the concerns of the bans, most children will realize Harold and George's exploits are not meant to be mimicked and the novels can prove useful for tempting the most elusive of readers - tween boys.

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