Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nature: Birds of the Gods

Nature: Birds of the Gods presented by PBS.

Plot: David Attenborough narrates a scientific expedition to locate and study the elusive birds of paradise in New Guinea. The birds influence the native culture with their bright feathers and distinctive displays, but finding them proves difficult for the scientists. Still, the researchers manage to observe and film several species. Since the filming took place during the birds' breeding season, many of the males' courtship displays find their way into the documentary.

Genre: Documentary, Animals, Culture

Reading Level: Not Rated, but aimed at a family audience.

Similar Titles: Nature: Humming Birds: Magic in the Air; Nature: A Murder of Crows

Personal Thoughts: The film manages to showcase both the birds and the people surrounding them. Often, documentaries focus on the animals and include humans only as the villains. While the episode does not deny human influences on the bird populations, it does not necessarily cast people in a negative light. In the film, people treasure the living birds as much as the plumage, and the efforts of scientists correspond to the traditions and needs of the locals. No one is the "bad guy," but both the hunters and the expedition team want to preserve a culture and a species linked to a unique island.

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