Thursday, December 13, 2012

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Leo's my favorite

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles produced by Nickelodeon.

Plot: A new version of the popular series, Nickelodeon shares the story of four mutated turtles and their rat sensei, Splinter. After going above the sewers for the first time, the four teenagers find themselves assisting a girl named April as she tries to rescue her father from evil aliens. While they manage to defeat other mutants created by the aliens, the turtles abruptly find themselves targeted by their teacher's old nemesis, the Shredder. The four must learn to work as a team to rescue April's father, but their adventures attract many foes and allies.

Genre: Television, Animation

Reading Level: Most episodes are rated TV-Y7

Similar Titles: Ben 10, Power Rangers

Personal Thoughts: The show balances new and old concepts from the franchise very well. Most of the major characters maintain their core personalities while achieving deeper development. For example, Michelangelo remains the goof-off, but he also displays a desire for acceptance and affection, making him more sympathetic and less stereotypical. The turtles are much younger in this show than previous lines, but this seems to enhance the story. In other shows, the teenagers do not act like teenagers. They behave like naive adults. Reducing the age provides a more natural opportunity to display lessons about growing up, accepting responsibility, and developing talents within the show's context. April also enjoys an age reduction, making her more of a team member than a foil for the turtles. While some long-time fans protest the changes in tone, characterization, and style of the show, it seems to suit the post-2010 audience very well.

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