Tuesday, May 21, 2013

JL8: A Webcomic

They will be giants

JL8: A Webcomic at http://jl8comic.tumblr.com/.

Plot: Everyone knows about the exploits of the Justice League. However, the team's adventures began well before its members reached adulthood. JL8: A Webcomic examines the life, trials, and times of DC's most famous characters in the third grade.

Genre: Websites, Comics

Reading Level: Due to the age of the heroes, most of the stories are pretty accessible. However, they also address common concerns of tweens, such as acceptance, popularity, and appearance, making them relevant to older readers.

Similar Titles: The Justice League

Personal Thoughts: Yale Stewart's comics are some of my favorites. They combine references to popular comics with common schoolyard concerns. The current arc, for example, focuses on familial expectations, young crushes, and concerns for others' feelings. To bring such complex concepts together, JL8 uses a highly social setting for all third graders...one of the popular girls' birthday party. The comic also utilizes classic comic styles and colors with a modern focus on expression and action. Overall, the comic, while cute, can offer a satisfactory experience for readers.

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