Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Thank You, Mr. Falker

Sprite is in a hurry

Polacco, Patricia. Thank You, Mr. Falker. New York : Philomel Books, 1998.

Plot: Trisha loves the opportunity school represents. She longs to taste the sweetness of knowledge, just as her grandparents taught her. However, going to school steadily becomes more and more difficult. She can barely read and the other students tease her mercilessly. Eventually, at a new school, Mr. Falker arrives. He defends Trisha from the bullies and shows interest in her art. He also discovers the cause of her reading difficulties. The teacher admires her spirit and courage, so, with the help of a reading tutor, teaches her to finally encounter knowledge's sweetness.

Genre: Autobiography, School, Picture Books

Reading Level: Grades 3-6

Similar Titles: The Talented Clementine, The Hundred Dresses

Personal Thoughts: The story presents dyslexia in a comprehensible and sympathetic manner. As such, it received several awards, including Parent's Choice Honors. However, I am not sure if I would recommend it in a home or library setting. Please do not misunderstand, the title is certainly worthy of the attention it earned. It accurately describes the fear, shame, and loneliness present in dyslexia. However, the actual title reads like an assignment to me. Perhaps the word choice, somewhat dated illustrations, and lack of sympathetic characters beyond the protagonist causes the feelings, but it seems ideal for a classroom, not for leisurely reading.  

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