Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Little Prince

 Almost Alone in the Universe

de Saint-Exupery, Antone. The Little Prince. San Diego : Harcourt, 2000.

Plot: While desperately trying to fix his broken airplane in the middle of the desert, a pilot is found by a determined child who requests a picture of a sheep. The boy remains elusive, but he eventually reveals his story to the frustrated pilot. His story is one of a flower, a snake, a fox, and friendship. The prince learns the bittersweet joy of making friends through rites and taming. He shares his secrets with the worried pilot. Yet, while the pilot eventually opens up to the prince, he receives several warnings about becoming close. Being friends always brings the risk of tears.

Genre: Fantasy, Everyday

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: What Is My Song?, Sky Sweeper

Personal Thoughts: The title is a charming, haunting, and surprisingly serious. Concepts like friendship, loss, purpose, and relationships find their place through lighthearted concepts like roses, wells, and foxes. As a result, the story provided the basis for films, operas, and plays. Additionally, some of the title's concepts influence science, art, songs, and video games.

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