Saturday, May 24, 2014


A dragon plush reading a dragon book

Vernon, Ursula. Dragonbreath. New York : Dial Books, 2009.

Plot: Danny Dragonbreath, the only dragon in a school for reptiles and amphibians, often dreams of adventures. Then he fulfills them. In the first of the series, Danny needs to finish a research project about the ocean. Rather than go to the library, takes his friend, Wendell the iguana, to the Sargasso Sea to visit his cousin, Edward the sea serpent. Edward cheerfully shows them a coral reef and a shipwreck. Unfortunately, they are not as prepared for the deep ocean as they think they are, particularly when the giant squid shows up.

Genre: Science, Fantasy, Adventure, Animals

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: Nate the Great, The Invention of Hugo Cabret: A Novel in Words and Pictures

Personal Thoughts: Much like Nate the Great and Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the book combines comics and text to tell a story. Dragonbreath manages to stand out through its fantastic setting, real-world logic, and quirky humor. 

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