Monday, July 21, 2014

Lego: Legends of Chima

I am a little sad tonight, so I will watch my cartoons with my toy.

Lego: Legends of Chima presented by the Cartoon Network.

Plot: For centuries, the land of Chima enjoyed set order revolving around the power of Chi. To support and maintain the peace, various tribes of animals work together. When a series of mistakes, rebellions, and lies escalates to a war between the tribes, two former friends, Larval the lion and Cragger the crocodile, find themselves on opposite sides. The war may reveal larger problems within the land, some of which may lead to a reunification of the shattered peace.

Genre: Animation, Adventure, Fantasy

Reading Level: I think most of the episodes are rated TV-Y.

Similar Titles: Ninjago, Lego: Star Wars

Personal Thoughts: Lego has begun to make a name for itself in the animation world. While most of the animation is fairly simplistic (all of the characters have the same body structure with different "skins"), the plot contains really complicated concepts. True, the series dose occasionally indulge in groan-worthy, juvenile humor. However, it also focuses on difficult topics such as forgiveness, blame, responsibility, rivalry, and fairness. The result is a deceptively and pleasantly complicated cartoon.

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