Thursday, October 23, 2014

Bigfoot Boy: Into the Woods Grandma's house we go!

Torres, J. Bigfoot Boy: Into the Woods. Toronto : Kids Can Press, 2012.

Plot: Rufus gets to spend some time away from the city and near the woods at his grandmother's house. He quickly discovers one of his neighbors does not tolerate intruders in her forest very well, though. Still, he offers to help pick up litter in the woods. After discovering a lot of trash, he also discovers a totem that has the power to turn him into a bigfoot. Others want this power, though, and will gladly threaten what Rufus cares about in order to get it.

Genre: Comics, Fantasy, Adventure

Reading Level: Grades 1-5

Similar Titles: ChicagoLand Detective Agency, Hilda and the Midnight Giant

Personal Thoughts: The title acts as simple, well-paced comic with a means of introducing concepts such as totems to young audiences. A sequel has already been published, with another scheduled for later this year.

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