Thursday, December 4, 2014

Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made

Mosasaur down!

Pastis, Stephan. Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made. Somerville, Mass. : Candlewick Press, 2013.

Plot: Timmy Failure is a grade school detective with a single mother and a polar bear partner named Total. However, Timmy actually is not a good detective, his mother struggles to pay the bills, and Total raids the trash can. Still, Timmy knows he will make a world-renowned business based on his intellect and superior skills. Unfortunately, he seems unaware of the importance of school, honesty, or legal parking. He is truly aware, though, of the unspeakable evil that is Corrina Corrina.

Genre: Humor

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Pearls before Swine

Personal Thoughts: Timmy Failure is Diary of a Wimpy Kid greatly exaggerated. Much like Kinney's protagonist, Timmy is arrogant, blind to his faults, dismissive of his friends, irresponsible toward his mistakes, and cynically humorous. Some of the topics are considerably darker than Wimpy Kid, such as Timmy's mother not having enough money to pay the bills. Yet, fans of Pearls before Swine will appreciate Pastis' brand of humor and illustrations in this quirky first title of the Timmy Failure series.

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