Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mal and Chad: Volume 1 - The Biggest, Bestest Time Ever!

Now in 3-D Action*

McCranie, Stephen. Mal and Chad: Volume I - The Biggest, Bestest Time Ever!. New York : Philomel Books, 2011.

Plot: Mal, a fourth-grade super-genius, refuses to reveal his intellect to anyone except his talking dog, Chad. While the two enjoy everyday adventures of trying dog food, going to school, and testing jetpacks, Mal still needs to take care of school business. His teacher wants him to write about what he wants to be when he grows up. With Chad in tow, Mal tries to be a scuba diver and a paleontologist. However, the time machine he uses to study dinosaurs goes awry, sending Chad's crush back in time. Mal needs to rescue her before the tear in the space-time continuum closes on them forever.

Genre: Graphic Novel, Adventure

Reading Level: Grades 2-6

Similar Titles: Copper, Casebook: The Bermuda Triangle

Personal Thoughts: A well-written, nicely illustrated book, the title manages to offer a balance between the extraordinary and everyday. Chad makes rockets, jetpacks, and time machines, but he still deals with bullies, homework, and chores. His responses to such challenges reveal his positive qualities. Often, misunderstood genius characters rely on their social awkwardness to appeal to their audiences. Chad plays the stereotype, but then he overcomes it. He uses his genius to make Mal's dog food taste better. Despite his intellect, Mal still respects his teacher. He observes his classmates without belittling them. However, his greatest virtue is his display of what growing up means.

Like a lot of tweens, he starts the "what will I do when I grow up" assignment by focusing on a career. By the end of the title, though, he concentrates on what kind of person he intends on becoming. This change hit a nerve. Like a lot of graduates, I tend to spend a lot of time working towards a particular job. One of the hardest things I have learned is to focus on who I will be, instead of what I will do. This is a great lesson to learn early on, and the title offers it in a meaningful and entertaining manner.

*Not really in 3-D action.

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