Thursday, May 14, 2015

America is Under Attack

Brown, Don. America is Under Attack. New York : Flash Point, 2011.

Plot: The title recounts the events surrounding the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, focusing on New York's response. For many Americans, the day started as normal. However, four planes were hijacked and used as weapons. Two crashed into the Twin Towers in New York. Another attacked the Pentagon. The last was stopped in route to its intended destination. The title describes the confusion surrounding rescue efforts, as well as the damage caused by the collapsing buildings. It ends with the cleanup and aftermath of the attacks, including the discovery of victims.

Genre: History

Reading Level: Grades 1-5

Similar Titles: September 11: Then and Now, I Survived: The Attacks of September 11

Personal Thoughts: This was hard to read. The language was accessible, the illustrations were appropriate, and the tone was appropriate. It was the memories that did me in.

Librarians, teachers, parents, and relatives need to start looking at titles like this, though. Today's tweens were not alive when the attacks happened. It is their elders' responsibility to teach them about the events surrounding the Twin Towers. Titles such as this can provide much-needed support in the process.

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