Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lady Lollipop

+ 2 dragon approval

King-Smith, Dick. Lady Lollipop. Cambridge, MA : Candlewick Press, 2001.

Plot: Princess Penelope is the most hopelessly selfish princess in the world. Her father spoils her further by promising her any animal she wants for her birthday. Much to her mother's distress, the princess demands a pet pig. After viewing the finest pigs in the kingdom, she selects a trained pig known as Lollipop. She also makes her father promise to house the pig's former owner, Johnny, with her pet. At the request of the king, Johnny promises to continue to train Lollipop. However, the king will make Johnny a duke if he can tame the wild Penelope. Through patience, Johnny and Lollipop convince the princess to be less selfish. Can he convince the queen to allow Lollipop into the palace, though?

Genre: Animals

Reading Level: Grades 2-6

Similar Titles: Clever Lollipop, Mercy Watkins series

Personal Thoughts: A unusual rendition of the classic tame-the-shrew plot. The princess is appropriately spoiled, the queen is appropriately upset, and the king is appropriately desperate. While readers are inclined to cheer for Lollipop, Johnny emerges as the real hero of the story. He recognizes the trouble and the challenges in fixing it. While he offers the king his full respect, Johnny does not minimize the spoiled status of Penelope. Similarly, while he trains the princess, he never treats her like she is not royalty. As such, he displays a quiet, respectful sort of heroism capable of changing people for the better.

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