Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Merman

I can see you!

King-Smith, Dick. The Merman. New York : Crown Publishers, 1999.

Plot: Zeta takes her birthday present, a new set of binoculars, out to the beach to watch gulls and seals near her family's vacation spot early one morning. Someone unexpected waits for her, though. Swimming effortlessly with the seals is a man with white hair, a young face, and a fish's tail. The merman convinces her to face her fear of water by teaching her to swim. He also gives her lessons in astronomy, biology, and French. The vacation passes quickly as Zeta displays her new knowledge to her parents through events orchestrated by the merman. As the summer comes to a close, she promises to see the merman again, although he seems oddly quiet the last day. It takes her two years to return to the merman's beach, and Zeta may not find what she expects when she returns.

Genre: Fantasy, Growing Up

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great, The Secret Garden

Personal Thoughts: The title freely mingles the common with the supernatural. Zeta acts like a normal child, with an interest in birds, a desire to learn, and a fear of water. By contrast, the merman forms a larger-than life character with an extraordinary intellect and lifestyle. Still, the two's interactions flow naturally, since she responds like a child while he reacts like a grandpa. The ending of the story may surprise readers, since it is abruptly bittersweet. However, the tale may offer a solid "next step" of reading for fairy tale-loving tweens.

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