Thursday, February 17, 2011

Prehistoric Park

Prehistoric Park. Freemantle Media Enterprises : Impossible Pictures, 2007.

Plot: "Something is missing from planet Earth; the animals time has left behind..." but what if extinction no longer lasted forever? The series follows Nigel Marven has he travels back in time to rescue vulnerable, ancient animals from becoming extinct. He and Prehistoric Park's staff discover the wonder, unexpected, and danger brought by bringing creatures from the past into the world of the present.

Genre: Mockumentry? Or just Unlabelable?

Reading Level: Unrated, but some action sequences and blood may cause adults to be caution around younger viewers.

Similar Titles: Walking with Dinosaurs, Primeval, Chased by Dinosaurs

Personal Thoughts: Another (and, in my opinion, one of the best) series produced by Impossible Pictures. In essence, the one-season series displays the possibilities of a successful Jurassic-Park like structure. While some of the show is a bit campy, the overall acting, storylines, and animal behavior is convincing enough for an hour-long show.

Side note: I never had any dinosaur figurines before I started this blog...

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