Friday, February 25, 2011

The Year of the Rat

Lin, Grace. The Year of the Rat. New York : Little, Brown, 2007.

Plot: The year of the rat promises to offer change. The changes, however, seem terrible. Grace's best friend, Melody, is moving from New York to California and a new family will live in her house. None of Grace's other friends seem to understand. If anything, they do not seem like friends anymore. Grace's talents seem like dead ends and school continues to get harder. Yet, perhaps the circumstances are not what the year needs to change. Grace may need to be the one that changes.

Genre: Asian-American, Coming of Age

Reading Level: Ages 9-12

Similar Titles: Year of the Dog, Frindle

Personal Thoughts: I like the book, but I'm not entirely sure if I would have liked it as a tween. True, I could relate to missing friends, wondering about my talents, and noting my peers' sudden interest in boys. Yet, I am not sure if I would like it as a tween. Still, it offers a realistic view of a growing up from a Taiwanese-American girl's perspective. Also, the girl actually sounds like a girl, not just an adult in a girl's situations.  

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