Friday, March 18, 2011


Jacques, Brian. Doomwyte. New York : Philomel Books, 2008.

Plot: A strange, cult-like group stalks the swamps of Mossflower Woods. While the Wytes continue to claim lives, they are frustrated by the loss of their treasure, taken by Gonff, an infamous mousethief, seasons ago. Yet, the decendants of the thief are alive, well, and eager to claim the four gemstones stolen from the cult and hidden by their ancestor long ago. Their treasure hunt results in revelations, lessons, rediscoveries, and the key to the destruction of the Wytes once and for all.

Genre: Animals, Adventure, Fantasy

Reading Level: Grades 6-8

Similar Titles: Redwall series, especially The Pearls of Lutra

Personal Thoughts: While the story contains some interesting aspects, it is not as well developed as some of Jacques' other works. The heroes and the villains do not intertwine as well as in other novels. The Wytes are thoroughly malicious and intriguing, but their influence seems largely stunted and ineffective. Similarly, while the heroes have potential, they just do not appear as heroic as some of Jacques' other protagonists. However, the novel does introduce the "modern" view of past characters in a believable manner. The heroes that were casual are raised, appropriately, to an almost larger than life status by the characters in this story. I like that, since it mirrors reality. The heroes of the past are remembered for their unbelievable actions, not their personal mannerisms, and the story reflects this fact very well.

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