Thursday, March 24, 2011


Shulz, Sparky. Peanuts.

Plot: Another comic that needs no introduction, Peanuts follows the daily adventures of iconic characters such as Linus, Lousie, Charlie Brown, and Snoopy. Personally, I think Snoopy acquired significantly more fame than his master, but that is not important.

Genre: Growing Up, Comics

Reading Level: Much like Garfield, the strip can be enjoyed by most readers.

Similar Titles: Calvin and Hobbes (this is actually more of an evil twin to the Peanuts innocence and well-meaning), Heart of the City, Rose is Rose

Personal Thoughts: I read a collection of the 1955-1956 comic year. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Usually, I prefer "edgier" comics, such Pearls Before Swine or Lio. Yet, this early chapter from the Peanuts' collection did an excellent job of portraying childhood. Linus plays with mock guns when frustrated with his sister. "Pig-Pen" cleans up (temporarily) under the demands of his parents. Lousie is a proud "fussbudget." Perhaps I prefer it to later comics because the characters are still in development and, as a result, they do not fit completely in the molds most expect them to be in.

As a side note, Schulz apparently hated "Peanuts" as a comic title. He once quoted that only Zits suffered a comparably poor name.

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