Saturday, May 7, 2011

March of the Penguins

March of the Penguins. Produced by Warner.

Plot: The movie follows an extraordinary event in Antarctica. Every March, emperor penguins leave the comfort and safety of the ocean and slowly move across land. They travel to their breeding grounds, where they mate. While the females return to water to recover from the egg-producing process, the males wait on land for the entire winter. When warmer weather finally returns, the females arrive to feed and tend the newly-hatched chicks. Both the parents care for the young bird until it is finally ready to live on its own.

Genre: Documentary, Animals

Reading Level: Rated G. However, there are some "Bambi's mom"-esque moments, so be prepared.

Similar Titles: Winged Migration

Personal Thoughts: A rare, commercially successful full-screen documentary. The popularity is not difficult to understand. With beautiful photography, narration by Morgan Freeman, and classical music,  the film manages to capture the audience in the life and death struggles of an otherwise comical bird.

The film won several awards, including an Academy Award, Cesar Award, and Southeaster Film Critics Association Award.

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