Saturday, May 7, 2011

Planet Earth

Planet Earth. Produced by BBC.

Plot:  The British Broadcasting Corporation made a remarkable series recording some of the remarkable life present on the planet. Eleven episodes, arranged by habitat (for example, rainforests and shallow seas), display popular, as well as less famous, animals through formal narration, incredible cinematography, and creative music. Additionally, three episodes focus on conservation issues facing the planet.

Genre: Documentary, Animals, Conservation

Reading Level: Unrated, but some predation is present, so the sensitive may prefer a different documentary.

Similar Titles: Life of Birds, Life, Earth

Personal Thoughts: The photography for the series is amazing, both for its clarity and its subject. Animals are infamously difficult to film (there is a reason most directors refuse to work with them) and most episodes include a brief commentary of the difficulties facing the photographers. Yet, their efforts are well rewarded, both by the quality of the film and the critical praise of the Royal Television Society, Emmy Awards, Peabody Awards, and Broadcasting Press Guild.

My only complaint involves the conservation episodes. Instead of showing active conservation efforts or issues, most of the episodes focus on, as a co-worker of mine would say, talking heads. As a result, audience interest dies quickly.

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