Monday, December 5, 2011

Exploring Our Solar System

Ride, Sally and O'Shaughnessy, Tam. Exploring Our Solar System. New York : Crown Publisher, 2003.

Plot: Written by an astronaut, the item provides a textbook-like view of our solar system. While the work offers standard information, such as planet characteristics, it also explores the human elements surrounding astronomy. For example, each planet's chapter includes its discovery and initial observations. The text reaches further depth by exploring the involvement of NASA and similar institutions, revealing how the information was obtained and changed previous beliefs.

Genre: Science, Astronomy, History

Reading Level: Grades 4-8

Similar Titles: To Space and Back

Personal Thoughts: While this book is notably more in-depth than any other I read this week, the details did not capture me. Rather, the history behind the science caught my interest. Sometimes, it is easy to take the accessibility of information for granted, and the book reveals how much effort and time discoveries often cost. Also, the novel was written by an actual astronaut, which leads to a genuinely authentic feel to the work. Highly recommended for astronomy fans.

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