Monday, December 12, 2011

Winter Eyes: Poems & Paintings

Douglas, Florian. Winter Eyes: Poems & Paintings. New York : Greenwillow Books, 1999.

Plot: A collection of poems regarding the coldest time of year. The joys of the season, such as sledding, snow, maple syrup, and fireside moments enjoy multiple references. However, the poems also reflect the downside of winter, especially the lack of sunlight and natural life. Still, winter remains an important, introspective time of the year, as the poems suggest. Each page also contains paintings relating to the literature. The art has a simple, Americana-style, which enhances the rustic style of the poetry.

Genre: Poetry, Collections

Reading Level: Grades 2-5

Similar Titles: Winter Poems, Handsprings, Beast Feast

Personal Thoughts: This was a difficult read. Many of the poems simply did not engage the reader in an interesting manner. The collection quickly turned into a monotonous series of rhymes about winter sports or winter grudges. While the poems themselves were not bad, some readers will quickly tire from the lack of variety. In addition, the art falls into the trap of similarity. If shown individually, the illustrations may stand out, but together, they eventually blend without any proving distinct or eye-catching. While the items provide examples of classic poetic methods, other collections may offer the variation necessary to maintain readers' attention.

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