Thursday, August 23, 2012

Dragon Rider

Funke, Cornelia Caroline. Dragon Rider. New York : Scholastic, 2004.

Plot: After centuries of security, the valley no longer provides a haven from human development. Firedrake, a young male dragon, sets off with Sorrel, a young brownie, to find the legendary Rim of Heaven, a sanctuary for dragons. They soon meet a young human, named Ben, who manages to assist them in their search. His presence, however, may not be as circumstantial as originally believed. Legends speak of a dragon rider whose coming signals the end of the evil Nettlebrand, a dragon hunter. The inevitable conflict between dragons and hunters draws near, but it may take more than dragon fire and human reason to conquer the killer.

Genre: Fantasy, Adventure

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: Inkheart, Dealing with Dragons, Falcon's Egg, Children of the Lamp series

Personal Thoughts: The text expertly describes legendary creatures attempting to cope in a modern world. While the beginning annoyingly paints all humans as bringers of disaster, the book later focuses on the benign aspects of humanity. The plot also focuses on lesser-known creatures, such as brownies, djinn, and rocs, adding a dash of the exotic. Far-away locations, like the Sahara and Himalayas also enhance the adventurous aspects of the title. Humor balances the plot nicely, making the strange characters more relatable. Overall, the title is a lengthy but enjoyable read.

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