Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Winter Pony

Lawrence, Iain. The Winter Pony. New York : Delacorte Press, 2011.

Plot: The first eight years of James Pigg, a Russian pony, were rough. Unfortunately, his future proves to be even more difficult. The pale stallion, with nineteen other ponies, embark on Robert Falcon Scott's ill-fated voyage to the South Pole. Fighting old fears and new circumstances, the pony attempts to carry the equipment needed for the expedition to reach true south. However, ponies, dogs, and men fall to questionable decisions, limited rations, unexpected dangers, and terrible weather. James Pigg wishes to please the first people to show him kindness, but none of his efforts can conquer the fury of Antarctica.

Genre: Animals, Historical Fiction, Adventure

Reading Levels: Grades 4-8; keep in mind, this is a sad book. Please do not send me nasty letters if a reader cries while reviewing it.

Similar Titles: The Pole, Emma's River

Personal Thoughts: I really wanted to like the text. To Lawrence's credit, he avoids painting Scott as an idiot or Admundsen as a cad. He also avoids describing Scott as an insufferable hero. The author's views follow an extremely neutral view, which many texts aimed at adults fail to accomplish. However, the text also carries some unfortunate implications. The pony's early life is marked by fictionalized brutality. True, James Pigg was a worn horse at the time of the purchase, but painting every Russian and Mongolian as brutal while every Englishman displays knowledge and compassion carries some racist tones. Describing the dogs as wolf-like savages and the horses as saintly victims also seems necessary, particularly given the stubborn nature and complicated background of the equines. The tragic end of the pony abruptly shocks readers as well. Lawson writes the book expertly with a solid acknowledgment of the facts, but the fictional aspects of the novel paint an unrealistic view of the world facing Scott's ponies.

Side Note: I told you to stop, Jerome.

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