Friday, October 26, 2012

Eyewitness Books: Arms and Armor

Eyewitness Books: Arms and Armor. New York : DK Publishing, 2011.

Plot: A review of weapons and armor presented in traditional Eyewitness fashion. Stark white backgrounds allow colorful, detailed images of arms and armor to capture the reader's attention. The text describes the development of defensive and offensive tools chronologically and geographically. Projectile weapons also find special mention. Additionally, the book includes an interactive CD and information-laden poster.

Genre: History, Social Studies

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: Eyewitness Books: Knight, Weapon: A Visual History of Arms and Armor

Personal Thoughts: As I have mentioned previously, I am a great fan of the Eyewitness Books series due to its solid information and creative presentation. Also, I recently discovered the publishers update their texts fairly frequently, keeping the books relevant. However, some readers raise some justifiable complaints about this particular title. It does not include arms from the past two centuries or so. Weapons find more mention than armor. While the images are beautiful, they tend to focus on custom-built items, rather than weapons common to the "everymen" of the times. The title still offers useful information, though, so I still recommend it for fanciers of historical warfare.

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