Friday, October 12, 2012

How to Be a Werewolf: The Claws-On Guide for the Modern Lycanthrope

Valentino, Serena. How to Be a Werewolf: The Claws-On Guide for the Modern Lycanthrope. Somerville, Mass. : Candlewick Press, 2011.

Plot: The text offers guidance for those fortunate to find themselves living with lycanthropy. While folklore-based shapeshifters, such as the kitsune and Beast of GĂ©vaudan, find mention, the book also addresses movie and television show creations, such as the Wolf Man and Jacob Black. Additionally, the text offers basic information such as pack organization, hunter avoidance methods, and transformation processes. Several chapters also recommend specific lifestyles, music, and hobbies for enthusiastic lycanthropes.

Genre: Fantasy, Humor, Horror

Reading Level: Grades 6 and up; be warned, some of the recommended movies and songs may be ill-suited for younger readers

Similar Titles: How to Be a Vampire: The Fangs-On Guide for the Newly Undead, How to Be a Zombie: The Essential Guide for Anyone Who Craves Brains

Personal Thoughts: The title has potential. Stories about werewolves enjoy a high popularity in traditions worldwide. The text also includes brightly colored illustrations and visually pleasing print. However, much of the actual text focuses on a mash of fashion and music guides, which seems out of place. Additionally, the music, television shows, and movie recommendations consist of titles unintended for children in the sixth grade. As a result, the glossy text fails to reach its full capacity.

Side Note: I brought the book to work. Many of my co-workers now wonder about me.

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