Friday, November 2, 2012

Monsters and Mythical Creatures: Zombies

Woog, Adam. Monsters and Mythical Creatures: Zombies. San Diego, CA : ReferencePoint Press, 2011.

Plot: The title provides an illustrated guide to zombies. Supposed encounters, influential movies, and cultural effects find recording.

Genre: Horror

Reading Level: Grades 4-9; However, it is about zombies, so caution sensitive readers

Similar Titles: Monsters and Mythical Creatures: Aliens

Personal Thoughts: This title was not fun for me to read. I expected it to outline lore and traditions about the undead. Instead, the first several chapters consist of extremely poor summaries from The Zombie Survival Guide. The direction of the book also shows faults. The title bounces between dismissing stories of the undead as myth and confirming them as true. As a result, the reader does not know if they are reading fact or parody. To be fair, zombies are a fairly new monster. While stories of the undead reach back to prehistory, what most people accept as a "zombie" only appeared in the early 1900s. However, the lack of history does not excuse poor storytelling or mixed purposes. Better titles, such as Goosebumps, Tales from the Crypt, or The Zombie Chasers series, would provide a more satisfactory read.

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