Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Barefoot Book of Stories from the Opera

Jerome's sorry attempt to look operatic

Husain, Shahrukh. The Barefoot Book of Stories from the Opera. New York : Barefoot Books, 1999.

Plot: Operas do not merely showcase singing. All operas, at their core, tell stories through song. The text reviews some of the more popular tales. Some emerged purely intended for the opera, such as The Magic Flute and The Little Sweep. Other operas, like Hansel and Gretel or Orpheus and Eurydice, re-imagine classic fairy tales and myths. Operas will often seek inspiration from traditional folklore, like Christmas Eve and The Flying Dutchman. Colorful illustrations enhance the theatrical background of the stories while helping readers keep track of key characters.

Genre: Picture Books

Similar Titles: Silver Moon: Stories from Antonin Dvorak's Most Enchanting Operas, The Love for Three Oranges

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Personal Thoughts: I feel obligated to congratulate Husain for finding six operas with happy endings. All sarcasm aside, the book offers solid story-telling for an often vilified medium (consider how often opera is used to punish people in television shows).

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