Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Golden Goose

A golden band for reading The Golden Goose

King-Smith. The Golden Goose. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2005.

Plot: Farmer Skint is perhaps the worst farmer in the country. However, his luck seems destined to change after his geese, Sorrow and Misery, produce a beautiful, golden egg. While the rest of the eggs hatch into perfectly normal goslings, the special egg releases a bird with golden coloration. The farmer names the bird Joy, and Joy proceeds to change the attitudes and fortunes of all who touch her. However, the Skints fear the beautiful bird may attract robbers, so they attempt to keep her a secret. A wildlife filmmaker discovers her, though. While he initially promises to keep the farmer's secret, he finds something capable of changing the Skints forever.

Genre: Animals

Reading Level: Grades 2-6

Similar Titles: King Puck, The Farmer and the Poor God: A Folktale from Japan

Personal Thoughts: A short, sweet story about a change in luck. True, most of the changes occur through supernatural circumstances, but the title also mentions how success can change a person for the better. Joy brings opportunities, but the Skints must make use of them and use the results wisely, showing how fortune favors the bold.

Side note: I found a King-Smith novel cover that does not consist of the protagonist looking down at the mentor.

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