Thursday, February 14, 2013

Harry's Mad

Outdoor reading

King-Smith, Dick. Harry's Mad. New York : Crown, 1984.

Plot: Ten-year-old Harry becomes the heir to his uncle's African gray parrot, Madison. Much to the boy's shock and delight, the parrot does not merely mimic speech, but understands it. The parrot and the boy quickly bond over conversations, checkers, and chess. Eventually, Harry's parents discover the bird's talents, which also include cooking, Monopoly, and crossword puzzles. The family enjoys the new pet, until a robber takes the amazing bird. Madison must find a way to rejoin his new family, which may grow through the process.

Genre: Animals, Adventure

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: Ace: The Very Important Pig, The Mouse and the Motorcycle

Personal Thoughts: Like many of King-Smith's stories, the text subtly combines the ordinary and extraordinary, resulting in a simple but fantastic tale. 

Side Note: If you were outside this morning and heard a loud yell, it may or may not have been due to the absolutely enormous spider I found on the chair after taking this photo.

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