Thursday, February 14, 2013

Clever Lollipop

Secretly, Sprite enjoys reading princess stories

King-Smith, Dick. Clever Lollipop. Cambridge, MA : Candlewick Press, 2003.

Plot: Following the events of Lady Lollipop, Princess Penelope, Johnny, and Lollipop find themselves facing a new dilemma. The princess must get an education, but she has no desire to go to school. Johnny manages to convince her to accept a governess, but Penelope will submit only if Johnny and Lollipop can attend class with her. After her governess refuses the conditions, all seems lost. However, a clever conjuror may bring the key to Her Majesty's education. The wizard, known as Collie Cob, manages to teach the princess, Johnny, and Lollipop with little fuss. However, the need to learn is not the only issue facing the castle. Lollipop is changing into an adult sow, and she needs more than the royal family's favor to be happy.

Genre: Animals

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: Lady Lollipop, Once Upon a Marigold, Freddy the Detective

Personal Thoughts: The title offers a simple, feel-good follow-up to Lady Lollipop. While the princess certainly retains the lessons Johnny taught her, she still shows flashes of her old temper. Yet, she also displays a new level of concern for her friend, family, and pet. Similarly, her parents still provide a lesson in exaggeration, but also show a willingness to provide more support than compliance to their daughter. Johnny gains assistance through Collie in the mission to help the royal family. Overall, the title provides a good sequel to its predecessor, showing the consistency and changes within the royal situation.

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