Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Harness Horses, Bucking Broncos & Pit Ponies: A History of Horse Breeds

Sprite wants a pony

Crosby, Jeff and Jackson, Shelley Ann. Harness Horses, Bucking Broncos & Pit Ponies: A History of Horse Breeds. Toronto : Tundra Books, 2011.

Plot: The title lists several horse breeds, ranging from the fiery Arabian to the calm Shire. Each chapter classes the horses according to their basic working origins, such as riding or carting. Additionally, each horse enjoys beautiful hand-drawn illustrations. The title provides an attractive overview of the world's most popular and influential horse breeds.

Genre: Animals, History

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: Horses in Harness; Little Lions, Bull Baiters & Hunting Hounds

Personal Thoughts: While some of the illustrations and descriptions are idealized, the book uses them to teach readers about the history of horses. Much to Crosby and Jackson's credit, they address some of the concerns about feral horses and horse racing without bias, allowing readers to determine their own opinions regarding the creatures. A highly recommended title for horse fans.

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