Thursday, April 18, 2013

Little Lions, Bull Baiters & Hunting Hounds

 Sprite the Dragon wishes he had a cool book fort...

Crosby, Jeff and Jackson, Shelly Ann. Little Lions, Bull Baiters & Hunting Hounds. Toronto : Tundra Books, 2008.

Plot: For thousands of years, dogs worked with people to accomplish specific jobs. Eventually, people began breeding dogs with ideal traits for certain tasks. As a result, dogs became separated into breeds focusing on chosen behaviors, appearances, and skills. The traits continue to modern times, separating a single species into hundreds of breeds.

Genre: Animals, History

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: The Complete Dog Book for Kids, Dog Breeds: An Illustrated Guide

Personal Thoughts: The book describes famous, as well as not-so-famous, breeds of dog such as the Newfoundland, Canaan dog, and poodle through a historical lens. Beautiful paintings illustrate the dogs' original homes and classic jobs. The book also explains why some breeds display complex traits such as stubborn behavior, energetic personalities, and playful tendencies. As a result, the text acts as a primer for selecting a personal pet or working dog.

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