Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Shark King

Teehee...forced perspective

Johnson, R. Kikuo. The Shark King. New York, NY : TOON Books, 2012.

Plot: After rescuing her from a dangerous bay, a handsome young man successfully courts a woman in a remote Hawaiian village. While they love each other dearly, the man eventually reveals himself to be the Shark King. Unable to stay with his love, he leaves her to care for their child. The boy, named Nanaue, proves to have an insatiable appetite. He eventually resorts to stealing from the local fisherman and inadvertently drives their quarry away. Once caught, he flees to the location prepared for him by his father.

Genre: Folktales, Animals, Graphic Novels

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: The Shark God, Punia and the King of the Sharks: A Hawaiian Folktale

Personal Thoughts: A surprisingly light-hearted retelling a Hawaiian folktale, The Shark King combines bright drawings and classic storytelling to create a pleasant title.

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