Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Angry Birds Playground: Dinosaurs - A Prehistoric Adventure

Not a dinosaur, but close
(he's a mosasaur)

Esbaum, Jill and Tempesta, Franco. Angry Birds Playground: Dinosaurs - A Prehistoric Adventure. Washington, D.C. : National Geographic, 2013.

Plot: Based on the popular video game, the title combines familiar characters with not-so-familiar concepts. While the text mentions many popular dinosaurs, it also successfully mentions some lesser-known creatures. Also, it discusses scientific topics, such as archeology and adaptations.

Genre: Animals

Reading Level: Grades 1-4

Similar Titles: Angry Birds Playground: Animals, National Geographic Angry Birds in Space: A Furious Flight to the Final Frontier

Personal Thoughts: Presented by National Geographic, the title makes fairly complex topics accessible to younger readers through bright illustrations and references to a popular game. Apparently, the title is one of a series, which includes other topics such as animals and space.

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