Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Varjak Paw

Two predators...

Said, S. F. Varjak Paw. New York : David Flicking Books, 2003.

Plot: While his family enjoys a pampered life as a Contessa's pets, Varjak is painfully ill-fitting for the life of a Mesopotanian blue. His eyes, the color of danger, denote his tendency to get into trouble and disturb his family's life of unruffled calm. He becomes suspicious of a Gentleman caller to the Contessa, especially after she disappears. Assisted by his grandfather, Varjak escapes to the outside world, where he immediately finds himself overwhelmed. Yet, in a dream, he is visited by his ancestor and instructed in the Way, a series of seven skills capable of helping him rescue his family. Varjak finds friends, including a pair of ally cats named Tam and Holly, as well as enemies during his training in the Way. Yet, his family, and all cats, remain in peril from the strange Gentleman and his deadly black cats. The Way alone may not be enough to stop the Gentleman's plans.

Genre: Animals, Fantasy, Coming of Age

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: The Familiars, Savvy, The Outlaw Varjak Paw

Personal Thoughts: The title provides a typical martial arts-animal fantasy-zombie-street drama-coming of age story. Joking aside, the tale manages to utilize various tropes in a surprisingly pleasing manner. Varjak's identity struggles with his family and himself echo with readers, while the surreal meetings with his legendary ancestor appeal to tweens seeking something unusual. The story also includes a thoroughly unnerving undercurrent, much like Coraline. Readers immediately know something dangerously uncanny drives the story, although its true nature remains a mystery until the very end.

The title provided a basis for an opera and play. The Jim Henson Company reported plans to use the story for an animated movie in 2006.

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