Tuesday, November 19, 2013

43 Old Cemetery Road: Hollywood Dead Ahead

Moving forward

Klise, Kate and Klise, Sarah. 43 Old Cemetery Road: Hollywood Dead Ahead. Boston : Harcourt Children's Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013.

Plot: The fifth of the 43 Old Cemetery Road series begins with an important-looking letter from a famous Hollywood director. Pleased by the collaborative writings of the 43 Old Cemetery Road residents, the director plans to make a movie based on the series. Elderly Iggy remains skeptical, while Seymour, like any kid, wants to have a role in the film. Much to the surprise of both, Olive, the mansion's resident ghost, eagerly looks forward to her part in the movie. Hollywood does not prove to be nearly as inviting as expected. Initial thrills eventually fade to frustration, stress, and betrayal. Still, the family manages to escape the worst clause in the ordeal. Ivana Oscar, a famous actress, unwittingly promises to die during the film. The family and the actress must unite to stop the savage Hollywood executives.

Genre: Adventure, Humor

Reading Level: Grades 2-6

Similar Titles: My Haunted House, The Haunting of Granite Falls

Personal Thoughts: Creative narration saves the title from becoming a typical Hollywood story. While the pretext remains common, the characters manage to show enough individuality to benefit the tale, as well. A new title in the series is expected next year.

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