Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Nature: An Original Duckumentary

 Waterfowl propaganda

Nature: An Original Duckumentary presented by PBS.

Plot: Hundreds of species of ducks exist. They live between the worlds of water, air, and land. However, survival in such varied environments requires special adaptations and behaviors. The documentary follows the yearly cycle of adult North American wood ducks while also reviewing the lifestyles of famous and not-so-famous ducks.

Genre: Animals, Documentary

Reading Level: I believe it is rated TV G

Similar Titles: The Life of Birds, Magic of the Snowy Owl

Personal Thoughts: The film tends to take itself a bit to seriously. To do so, the cinematography and audio are appropriately attractive and interesting. Many of the facts, particularly regarding duck adaptations, pleasantly surprise viewers. Still, ducks are, in my mind, innately funny, so a bit more levity may benefit the title.

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