Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Robin Hood

Beware of falling mosasaur

Robin Hood presented by Disney.

Plot: The tales of Robin Hood remain some of the most popular in the English-speaking world. However, Disney offers a new view of classic folklore by telling the story with animals. The dashing fox, Robin Hood, with the support of the ursine Little John, robs from the rich to feed the poor. Eventually, the duo become bitter enemies with the false king, Prince John. Escaping the traitor prince's traps multiple times buys the two time, but they eventually must confront the evil lion in his own palace. Still, the adventurers manage to find assistance through the local clergy, innocent paupers, and pretty vixen.

Genre: Animals, Movies, Animation, Folklore

Reading Level: Rated G

Similar Titles: The Rescuers, The Aristocats

Personal Thoughts: This version of Robin Hood is one I, as well as many tweens, grew up with. It is considerably more light-hearted than many of the original tales, but still manages to capture the adventurous aspects of the first stories. However, I was surprised to learn the story was, originally, about another fox, Reynard. While Reynard was, understandably, not a suitable hero for a Disney film, his antics manage to sneak their way into this movie. The result is a colorful, nicely-made movie.

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