Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Pay no attention to the fingers at the bottom of the picture

Plot: The site displays a series of webcams. The cameras focus on specific areas in aquariums, zoos, national parks, kennels, and animal rescue centers.

Genre: Websites, Animals

Reading Level: Suitable for all ages

Similar Titles: AnimalCams at the National Zoo, Live Web Cams at the Monterey Bay Aquariums

Personal Thoughts: The site offers an opportunity to watch live webcams about animals. The cameras are pretty relaxing, and they give a means of getting a critter "fix" when going to the zoo is not an option.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ozma of Oz

She wants the Nome King to win

Baum, L. Frank, Shanower, Eric, and Young, Skottie. Ozma of Oz. New York : Marvel Worldwide, Inc., 2011.

Plot: Dorothy unexpectedly finds herself in in Oz again. This time, she joins the Princess of Oz, Ozma, in her quest to free the Queen, Princesses, and Princes of Ev, a neighboring kingdom. The royal family is now in the power of the Nome King, who proves not to be as amicable as he appears. Still, with the strength of a princess, Kansas girls, yellow hen, lion, tiger, tin man, scarecrow, and the army of Oz, the heroes are bound to succeed. Right?

Genre: Graphic Novels, Fantasy

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: The Marvelous Land of Oz, Delicate Creatures

Personal Thoughts:  A graphic novel interpretation of Dorothy's second adventure in Oz, the text captures the original spectacle of the book. Bright colors and loose lines give the cartoonish character designs a funky, Nightmare Before Christmas appeal. However, the text also stays true to the original tale, without adding or subtracting from Baum's story.

Fossil Fish Found Alive: Discovery of the Coelacanth

Ancient Bro High-Five

Walker, Sally M. Fossil Fish Found Alive: Discover of the Coelacanth. Minneapolis, MN : Carolrhoda Books, 2002.

Plot: One day, a little over eighty years ago, a young lady sorted through a catch of fish for her museum. She found a hard-scaled, huge, blue fish that had not been seen for millions of years. The fish, known as the coelacanth, quickly captured the world's attention. In the process, political issues, technical limitations, and environmental concerns marked additional study of the fish. Even now, the fish's behavior and life cycle remain little known.

Genre: History, Animals

Reading Level: Grades 5-9

Similar Titles: Mystery Fish, Coelacanth: The Living Fossil

Personal Thoughts: The story of the coelacanth's discovery sounds more like something out of the fantasy section rather than the nonfiction genre. Walker does the story justice by steadily revealing the facts and the people surrounding the animal. Additionally, the title utilizes photographs and drawn illustrations to balance the text without overwhelming the reader.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Monster High: Hopes and Screams: An Original Graphic Novel

Pay no attention to the Nutella in the background

Nuhfer, Heather and Howard, Josh. Monster High: Hopes and Screams: An Original Graphic Novel. New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2014.

Plot: The Gory Gazzette, Monster High's online newsletter, needs a  new editor. Frankie Stien rises to the occasion with the help of her best friends. Creating a good newsletter will require everyone's talents in creativity, consideration, and organization. Other obligations continue, though. The monsters must maintain their grades, friendships, and work habits to create a truly horrific product.

Genre: Graphic Novels

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: Monster High: My Monster Life, Monster High: Fearbook

Personal Thoughts: The title is based on a popular toy line, so fans of the dolls will most likely appreciate the graphic novel. Compared to some of the other products of the toyline, though, the graphic novel seem a bit lackluster. For example, the online videos (accessible via YouTube) balance the characters, the action, and the morals a bit better. While they certainly venture into "cheesy" territory, particularly when subjects such as acceptance and tolerance are involved, they have enough humor and characterization to maintain interest. Much of the "lessons" in the graphic novel are the sole focus of the stories, making the plot feel forced and stiff. Still, the images are appealing and the characterizations are consistent, so the title may still be worthy of a review.

Ruby Lu: Brave and True

Pay no attention to the almond butter in the background

Look, Lenore. Ruby Lu: Brave and True. New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2004.

Plot: Ruby is a young magician in Seattle, Washington. She proudly offers her skills in an almost daily show after school. Yet, she cannot trick herself out of approaching changes. She has to start going to Chinese School, where she struggles with ink, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Ruby also must deal with a bratty bully, cute brother, and competitive friend. Her biggest challenge, though, is on its way from China. Her name is Flying Duck, and she will live with Ruby and share her bedroom!

Genre: Everyday, Growing Up, Humor

Reading Level: Grades 1-3

Similar Titles: Junie B. Jones series, The Talented Clementine

Personal Thoughts: Much like her Alvin Ho series, Look combines everyday events, exaggerated reactions, and over-the-top situations to create a fun title. Additionally, the book references some aspects of Chinese culture, such as language and food, without loosing the characters or story.