Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ruby Lu: Brave and True

Pay no attention to the almond butter in the background

Look, Lenore. Ruby Lu: Brave and True. New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 2004.

Plot: Ruby is a young magician in Seattle, Washington. She proudly offers her skills in an almost daily show after school. Yet, she cannot trick herself out of approaching changes. She has to start going to Chinese School, where she struggles with ink, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Ruby also must deal with a bratty bully, cute brother, and competitive friend. Her biggest challenge, though, is on its way from China. Her name is Flying Duck, and she will live with Ruby and share her bedroom!

Genre: Everyday, Growing Up, Humor

Reading Level: Grades 1-3

Similar Titles: Junie B. Jones series, The Talented Clementine

Personal Thoughts: Much like her Alvin Ho series, Look combines everyday events, exaggerated reactions, and over-the-top situations to create a fun title. Additionally, the book references some aspects of Chinese culture, such as language and food, without loosing the characters or story.

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