Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fossil Fish Found Alive: Discovery of the Coelacanth

Ancient Bro High-Five

Walker, Sally M. Fossil Fish Found Alive: Discover of the Coelacanth. Minneapolis, MN : Carolrhoda Books, 2002.

Plot: One day, a little over eighty years ago, a young lady sorted through a catch of fish for her museum. She found a hard-scaled, huge, blue fish that had not been seen for millions of years. The fish, known as the coelacanth, quickly captured the world's attention. In the process, political issues, technical limitations, and environmental concerns marked additional study of the fish. Even now, the fish's behavior and life cycle remain little known.

Genre: History, Animals

Reading Level: Grades 5-9

Similar Titles: Mystery Fish, Coelacanth: The Living Fossil

Personal Thoughts: The story of the coelacanth's discovery sounds more like something out of the fantasy section rather than the nonfiction genre. Walker does the story justice by steadily revealing the facts and the people surrounding the animal. Additionally, the title utilizes photographs and drawn illustrations to balance the text without overwhelming the reader.

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